Atlas ERA


NAVIGATION: Each section is organized by series. Where there are more than 30 issues the carousel will showcase iconic issues from the given series. For a full index select the “Primer” at the start of each carousel.

Content Warning: These stories are the product of their times and as such the depiction of certain groups, races, and identities are depicted based on sensibilities of the time. Many of these depictions are considered inappropriate or, at worst, offensive and racist by today’s standards. I have tried to summarize these stories using today’s most respectful terminology while still detailing the story as it was originally written. However, visitors should be aware that all images from these comics are unaltered and may contain imagery/language that is considered inappropriate/offensive/racist by today’s standard. They are presented in their uncensored format here to provide readers a historical context for these stories.

Index Scope: This index excludes all non-canon text stories, funnies, sci-fi, horror romance, western, and war stories. I have also omitted some of the more canonical romance (Patsy Walker, Millie the Model, etc.), sci-fi, and horror stories so I can focus on less obscure works from other eras, I may come back to them at a much later date. Some entries may be incomplete due to the unavailability of some comics.